Welcome to the Sixth & Pine Building.
A helpful guide to living at your new home.

We're excited to have you join our community. Here are a few tips and links to help you get settled.
Building access
You have received an electronic key card for access to the building. The lobby is typically locked at night and on weekends. You can unlock the front door by holding your key card to the reader to the left of the door. Your key card also gives you access to the first-floor hallway and garbage area. In addition, the same card gives you 24-hour access to the laundry room in the basement.
To reach the basement and apartment floors, use the elevator key in the top right lock on the elevator control panel.
Your apartment door is self-locking, so remember your keys! If you do get locked out, call the management line at (206) 343-9910 option 1. The lockout fee is $65.
U.S. Mail
Mailboxes are in the lobby and your key set includes a mailbox key.
We're pleased to offer convenient lockers in the basement, operated by Parcel Pending. To receive packages from Amazon, FedEx or other selected delivery companies, you must first register with Parcel Pending and provide a credit card. The service is free, but to encourage people to pick up their packages, there are storage fees if you leave parcels in the lockers for more than three days. Visit the Parcel Pending FAQs for more information.
If you're expecting other deliveries such as larger items, such as furniture, please coordinate directly with the delivery person to meet them at the door.
Maintenance requests
You already learned about our online portal through the lease process. Your portal is set up for rent payments, communication with management, and maintenance requests.
Daily needs
Our small and friendly team does not include concierge service. For quick pickups, try one of our downtown retailers such as Target, located at a few blocks away at 2nd and Pike, or Bartell Drugs around the corner at Fifth Avenue and Olive Way. Westlake Center and Pacific Place malls are steps away, and the world-famous Pike Place Market is just down the street.
Internet/cable TV
If you still need to sign up for Internet/cable TV, our provider is Astound. You can contact them directly to set up service. For special 12-month pricing you may contact Astound representative Steve Covello or (206) 572-0802.
Garbage, recycling, composting
The garbage room is located off the main lobby. Turn right off the elevators and use your access card to open the door marked “Fire Control Panel”. The garbage room will be on your right.
Garbage tip: Please put your garbage in one of the black bins and make sure the lids to the black garbage cans are closed! Your neighbors will greatly appreciate it, and the city will charge us extra if the lids are left open. If there is too much garbage to close the lid, you may use the garbage can behind you labeled "Overflow." But please only use this overflow bin if the black bins are filled.
Recycling tip: Please make sure cardboard boxes are collapsed so that everyone has room to put their recycling.
New to food waste composting? Use the small green bin on your countertop, with one of the liner bags we provided. When you’re ready to discard the food waste, tie off the bag and drop it in the smaller round bin in the garbage room. We provide you with free liner bags for your compost bin in the hallway of the second floor, outside the rental office.
No smoking
Sixth & Pine is a no-smoking building, which means no smoking in the common areas or inside your unit. Any smoking within the building is a violation of your lease. State law allows smoking outside the building, as long as you're at least 25 feet from the doors.
The laundry room is located in the basement and operated by Hainsworth Laundry. When you exit the elevators, keep turning left. To use the machines, you must first have a PayRange account. You may set up your account on the PayRange Web site, or simply look for the PayRange App on your Android or IOS smart phone. Once you are in the laundry room, the app will tell you which machines are available and deduct payment from the account you set up. You may also report any issues with the machines directly through the app.
Laundry tip: These are state-of-the-art machines that only use liquid detergent (labeled as "HE" or high efficiency). Please do not attempt to use powdered detergent, as this will lead to flooding and a big mess.
Common areas
A reminder that all personal items must be stored inside your unit. The fire code does not allow any items to be stored in the hallways, stairwells or any common areas.
You can order food without stepping outside. The New Saigon Vietnamese Restaurant is in the basement, just off the elevators.
Need shades or glasses?
For all your vision needs, Seattle Eye is located on the second floor of the building.
Again, welcome to the Sixth & Pine Building! We hope you enjoy your new home and all there is to explore in the neighborhood.
The Sixth & Pine Team
(206) 343-9910 option 1